John Anglis cartoon

The Anglis Angle

John Anglis in action

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11 Jan 2022
5 min read
Watch the Video Below!

The Secret to Moving the Needle in Your Business

With so many great industry events happening and coming up in the next few months, you may find yourself with A LOT of really worthy changes that you want to make in your business.

I used to be exactly the same way. I'd come back from an event, fired up and ready to TRANSFORM my business.

But then what would happen? I'd have fire after fire to put out.

So how is a busy entrepreneur like you supposed to get anything accomplished?

What the CEO of any business MUST do is you have to become a MASTER at time management.

There's one tool that I've found to be more effective than anything else at accomplishing this, and so I put together an easy, bite-size 10-minute training for you in this video to help you get MORE time for the things that are REALLY going to move the needle in your business.

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