John Anglis in action

Get the Most Comprehensive DISC Personality Assessment on the Market

Designed for Home Improvement Businesses Like Yours


Master Thyself
As the leader of your business, you set the tone for your entire organization. What are your strengths? Where are you lacking? Knowing this will ensure you have the right people with the right strengths around you. Additionally, what are your blindspots? How can you get the most out of other people? How do you perform under pressure? These are all essential to know so that you can optimize your leadership capabilities to drive your business forward - without being held back by YOUR lack of self-awareness.
Successful Hiring
One of the most difficult endeavors in home improvement is HIRING. In fact, it’s estimated that losing an employee actually COSTS a company up to TWICE that person’s salary. Not to mention the time it costs you and your leadership team! So if you want to maximize your profit margins, it’s critical that you master the hiring process. Who is this person that you’re about to risk a significant financial loss on? That’s where a DISC Personality Assessment comes in. In just a few minutes, you can know this person’s strengths and weaknesses; how they interact with others; how they perform under pressure; what drives/ motivates them (VALUES) and much, much more.
Productive Team Dynamics
Ever tried to work with a team member who you could NOT get along with? It can feel IMPOSSIBLE to get anything done! When you have DISC awareness throughout your company, you and your team members can adapt your communication to work with others more effectively. With less conflict and greater communication, your company can reach its goals much more quickly, with less friction - and without the additional costs that come from miscommunication, mismanagement and potential employee dissatisfaction.

ALPHA Business Systems DISC Assessment PACKAGE:

John Anglis

Dear Home Improvement Business Leader:

After nearly 30 years in the home improvement industry, I’m THRILLED to get to offer you the opportunity to get a DISC assessment for yourself, your employees and your job candidates.


Because I’ve been in your shoes as a home improvement business owner who kept banging my head against the wall, wondering WHY my employees just didn’t get it.

No matter how hard I tried, they didn’t perform the way that I wanted them to.

So what happened? We would miss the goals that I set for our company, and we didn’t realize our full potential as a company.

That all changed when I first took a DISC personality test in 2011 and started to understand my own strengths and weaknesses.

By 2015, I had taken steps to release some of the control that was identified in my personality profile by building systems to support myself and my team. 

Believe it or not, that was our breakthrough year.

I continued my study of DISC, implemented it throughout our company, and what happened?

We kept achieving double digit growth, year after year, until I successfully exited the company in 2023 and sold it to private equity.

Over the last few years, I’ve been searching for the most comprehensive, most accurate DISC personality assessments in existence.

I then developed custom packages of these profiles so that they made sense for home improvement companies.

When you pick your Personality Profile Package, you’ll see options that include the Comprehensive 4-D Assessment. This is ESSENTIAL for you as a business leader because you set the tone for your team. Only by having a deep understanding of yourself can you have the confidence and the self-awareness to lead others effectively.

It’s my sincere hope that these profiles will help you better understand the needs of your employees, your customers and yourself so that you can take your business beyond where you ever thought possible.

Making a Difference (Not Just Money), 

John Anglis, CEO (ALPHA among Alphas) 
ALPHA Business Systems

Frequently Asked Questions

How Accurate is this Personality Test?

While no personality assessment is 100% accurate, ALPHA DISC Personality Assessments are proven to be between 90 and 95% accurate. This is due to a number of factors, including their forced selection answering method.

Why Does Each Package include a 4-D Personality Assessment Profile?

As a business leader, you set the tone for your entire organization. This 4-D Personality Assessment provides not only DISC personality profile results; you get THREE additional personality profiles to empower you as a leader. While DISC tells us the behaviors we can see, 4-D assessments include T.E.A.M.S. (Thinking Styles and Natural Team Roles); B.A.I. (Behavioral Attitudes Index); and Values Styles (to determine common bonds) to provide a deeper understanding of yourself and how you lead your team. While this is critical for the company owner, it can also be extremely helpful for managers and team members in other leadership roles to complete as well.

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Should I have my current employees complete DISC Personality Assessments?

Absolutely! Having your team members complete an assessment to obtain their DISC Personality Profile will help them AND you. They’ll discover the WHY behind how they react to certain information and behaviors; their preferred methods of communication; and how they best interact with others. Your company will also be able to identify their best fit within your company, which could lead to promotions or inter-departmental moves where the employee is happiest AND the company can get the greatest ROI from the employee’s efforts.